
February 25, 2025

New Settlement API Endpoints

At a Glance

  • Release date: March 4, 2025 (production)
  • Impact: New API endpoints providing direct access to network-reported settlement totals
  • Audience: Customers managing their own network settlement
  • Action required: None
  • Products affected: Settlement API


We are introducing two Settlement API endpoints that provide official settlement total amounts as reported directly by the card networks. Each record returned represents a specific combination of settlement service, report date, cycle, and institution ID.

While our existing settlement summary endpoint rolls up line items to obtain the totals, idiosyncratic rounding rules used by certain networks can occasionally result in small differences between the official totals and the computed totals. Customers managing their own settlements with the network can reference the new endpoints documented below for the authoritative settlement figures.


For detailed endpoint specifications and usage examples, visit our API Reference.


GETList network total records with optional filters/v1/reports/settlement/network_totals
GETRetrieve a specific network total record by token/v1/reports/settlement/network_totals/{token}

List Endpoint Query Parameters

report_datestringSingular report date to filter on (YYYY-MM-DD). Cannot be populated in conjunction with report_date_begin or report_date_end.
report_date_beginstringEarliest report date to filter on, inclusive (YYYY-MM-DD).
report_date_endstringLatest report date to filter on, inclusive (YYYY-MM-DD).
networkstringNetwork to filter on (VISA, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO, or INTERLINK).
institution_idstringInstitution ID to filter on.
settlement_institution_idstringSettlement institution ID to filter on.
beginstringDate string in RFC 3339 format. Only entries created after the specified time will be included. UTC time zone.
endstringDate string in RFC 3339 format. Only entries created before the specified time will be included. UTC time zone.
page_sizeintegerNumber of records per page (1-100, default 50).
starting_afterstringA cursor representing an item's token after which a page of results should begin. Used to retrieve the next page of results after this item.
ending_beforestringA cursor representing an item's token before which a page of results should end. Used to retrieve the previous page of results before this item.

List Endpoint Response Schema

Core response fields:

  • data: Array of network total records (required)
  • has_more: Boolean for pagination (required)

Each record in data contains:

tokenstringGlobally unique identifier.
networkstringCard network where the transaction took place. VISA, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO, or INTERLINK.
institution_idstringThe institution that activity occurred on. For Mastercard: ICA (Interbank Card Association). For Maestro: institution ID. For Visa: lowest level SRE (Settlement Reporting Entity).
settlement_institution_idstringThe institution responsible for settlement. For Mastercard: same as institution_id. For Maestro: billing ICA. For Visa: Funds Transfer SRE (FTSRE).
settlement_servicestringSettlement service.
report_datestringDate that the network total record applies to. YYYY-MM-DD format.
cycleintegerThe clearing cycle that the network total record applies to. Mastercard only.
currencystringThree-digit alphabetic ISO 4217 code.
createdstringRFC 3339 timestamp for when the record was created. UTC time zone.
updatedstringRFC 3339 timestamp for when the record was last updated. UTC time zone.

The amounts object (required):

gross_settlementintegerTotal settlement amount excluding interchange, in currency's smallest unit.
interchange_feesintegerInterchange amount, in currency's smallest unit.
visa_chargesintegerCharges specific to Visa/Interlink, in currency's smallest unit.
net_settlementintegergross_settlement net of interchange_fees and visa_charges (if applicable), in currency's smallest unit.

List Endpoint Response Example

  "data": [
      "token": "12cf7505-06a8-435e-b1c7-4c430d02f6c3",
      "network": "VISA",
      "institution_id": "1000000000",
      "settlement_institution_id": "1000000001",
      "settlement_service": "015",
      "report_date": "2025-02-25",
      "currency": "CAD",
      "amounts": {
        "gross_settlement": 100,
        "interchange_fees": -25,
        "visa_charges": 10,
        "net_settlement": 85
      "created": "2025-02-25T13:07:31.419631Z",
      "updated": "2025-02-25T13:07:31.419631Z"
      "token": "0604c316-17f0-456d-9ac7-7d94252acb1a",
      "network": "INTERLINK",
      "institution_id": "1000000000",
      "settlement_institution_id": "1000000001",
      "settlement_service": "001",
      "report_date": "2025-02-25",
      "currency": "USD",
      "amounts": {
        "gross_settlement": 200,
        "interchange_fees": -50,
        "visa_charges": 10,
        "net_settlement": 160
      "created": "2025-02-25T13:07:31.419631Z",
      "updated": "2025-02-25T13:07:31.419631Z"
      "token": "700a1c78-04ed-47e2-8160-b1e18914ec7b",
      "network": "MASTERCARD",
      "institution_id": "031511",
      "settlement_institution_id": "031511",
      "settlement_service": "US00000001",
      "report_date": "2025-02-25",
      "currency": "USD",
      "cycle": 1,
      "amounts": {
        "gross_settlement": 100,
        "interchange_fees": -25,
        "net_settlement": 75
      "created": "2025-02-25T13:07:31.419631Z",
      "updated": "2025-02-25T13:07:31.419631Z"
      "token": "e05d5448-210e-4cc3-bd0d-d54d3c6c9a9f",
      "network": "MASTERCARD",
      "institution_id": "031511",
      "settlement_institution_id": "031511",
      "settlement_service": "US00000001",
      "report_date": "2025-02-25",
      "currency": "USD",
      "cycle": 2,
      "amounts": {
        "gross_settlement": 100,
        "interchange_fees": -25,
        "net_settlement": 75
      "created": "2025-02-25T13:07:31.419631Z",
      "updated": "2025-02-25T13:07:31.419631Z"
  "has_more": false

Important Considerations

The data returned reflects your specific settlement institution hierarchy, with totals potentially appearing at multiple levels. For example, in a hierarchical structure with a parent institution and two child institutions, network total records will be returned for all three. The parent institution's totals will represent the sum of its child institutions' totals. You will need to determine which network total records overlap based on your institution hierarchy.

The Maestro Single Message System Default settlement service, denoted by 000, settles on a T+1 basis.

Recommended Actions

We encourage you to integrate this endpoint into your reconciliation processes, particularly if you:

  • Need the exact settlement amounts as they appear in network reports
  • Want to access network-reported totals before settlement summaries have been marked complete

Although the network totals are generally immutable, we recommend building support for potential updates in your integration as they may be necessary in rare cases.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the HELP link in your Lithic Dashboard.

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