January 17, 2023

Release notes for January 25, 2023

Note that the below changes to the Lithic API were previously announced to be deployed on January 24, 2023 but were delayed by one day to allow for additional QA testing.

GET requests to /cards/{card_token} endpoint to return any card across program

With this change, unscoped GET requests to the /cards/{card_token} endpoint will return any card that exists in the program. Previously, unscoped requests only returned cards from the default account. This change is a followup to a similar change previously made to the List Cards endpoint.

card_token to be added to the transaction object

With this change, card_token will be added as a field in the transaction object, which is surfaced to users in transaction webhooks and in GET calls to the /transactions endpoint. This addition is part of a broader set of changes impacting the transaction object that will be deployed in production on February 8, 2023. See this page for more details. This portion of the changes is being released early to ease the transition for our users.