July 26, 2022
Release Notes for August 2, 2022
End-to-end testing of KYB in Sandbox (Sandbox-only deploy on July 28)
To augment our existing offering for simulating account holder creation for KYC workflows, test cases will be introduced in Sandbox to allow users to simulate creating account holders with the KYB Basic workflow. With this release, users will be able to pass in test case data to trigger particular outcomes (e.g., ACCEPTED
with specific reasons). To best simulate Production behavior, API users will always receive an immediate PENDING_REVIEW
response, followed by a webhook containing the final status of the KYB case.
Lithic Starter Card Create Cost Reduction
Additional cards for Starter customers with higher limits will cost only 10 cents each, down from 50 cents. This will make smaller programs’ economics even more attractive, especially with revenue share. This change will be effective as of July 1, and should be reflected in August’s billing and revenue share. Check out our pricing page for more detail.
Digital Wallet Transaction Indicator
Customers will be able to view whether a given authorization or transaction originated from a card token. See the docs page for more detail.