
March 3, 2025

Changes to Prenote Lifecycle Events

At a Glance

  • Release date: March 10th, 2025 (production).
  • Impact: ACH_ORIGINATION_SETTLEDwill now start to be sent for any PRENOTEverifications
  • Audience: All customers using PRENOTEaccount verification on Lithic.
  • Action required: Verify this change will not impact your integration.
  • Products affected: Payments endpoint and webhooks.


Previously, we did not consider it necessary to settle a PRENOTE transaction, as it was a $0 transaction. However, we have determined that these transactions do settle at a specific time. With this update, you will now be notified when the Prenote settles via the ACH_ORIGINATION_SETTLED transaction event, ensuring better visibility and tracking.

Changes to Transaction Status when Lithic issues an ACH return

At a Glance

  • Release date: March 10th, 2025 (production).
  • Impact: When Lithic issues an ACH return for a receipt, ACH_RECEIPT_SETTLED and ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED will mean PENDING status on the transaction. It will remain with that status until an ACH_RETURN_SETTLED event occurs which will change the transaction status to RETURNED.
  • Audience: All customers using ACH receipts (external ACH to Lithic).
  • Action required: Verify this change will not impact your integration.
  • Products affected: Payments endpoint and webhooks.


We've updated our ACH receipt return processing recently: Previously, ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED was the terminal state for a Lithic initiated return for an ACH Receipt, which immediately marked the transaction as RETURNED. Now, ACH_RETURN_SETTLED is the new terminal state, and ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED is an interim step. Transactions in ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED and ACH_RECEIPT_SETTLED will now be marked with a PENDING status until ACH_RETURN_SETTLED is received, at which point the status will be updated to RETURNED.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the HELP link in your Lithic Dashboard.

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