April 25, 2023

Bug fix unhiding declined credit authorization advice events

On March 30, we deployed a bug fix that unhid authorization advice events with a DECLINED status from the transaction object (changelog post here). As of today, we have also rolled out a fix that unhides credit authorization advice events that are declined. Similarly, these events most commonly indicate that a party upstream of Lithic declined the transaction due to a timeout. They also happen infrequently.

With this fix, we will no longer be hiding these events from the API and webhooks. Both historical and future transactions will have these additional events included. Please refer to our transaction flow documentation here and here to see examples of when this sequence of events may occur, and how the transaction object will appear. This change will have no impact on the topline transaction status or result.

Content type JSON no longer required for empty bodies

We have implemented a fix where a header of content-type: application/json' is no longer required for PUT and POST requests with empty bodies.