May 2, 2022
New Lithic Dashboard, new KYC and KYB workflows, PINs on digital wallets, and more
New Lithic Dashboard
We revamped our Dashboard to better serve developers and cross-functional users. This release adds support for multi-user teams and allows you to create unique logins for employees, set permission levels for those logins, and use more powerful search and filter functionality to make navigating your card program easier.
New Ways to Onboard and Verify Customers
We expanded our identity verification solutions with new KYC and KYB workflows to make it easier for you to onboard customers without leaving the Lithic API. Check out the full API documentation here.
Set PINs on Digital Wallets
Enterprise customers can now set PINs on digital wallet cards in the same way as for physical cards. This allows cardholders to pay with digital wallet cards when the merchant requests a PIN at the point-of-sale (e.g. grocery stores).
ASA Currency Details
We added new fields to Authorization Stream Access and transaction event schema to capture local currency details of transaction events.
Unlocked Cards for Everyone
All new customers now have access to virtual cards without single-merchant restrictions by default, with existing customers to follow shortly.
Physical Card Character Limits
We have updated recommended character limits by field in our Shipping Address Schema documentation in order to better ensure that card personalization will appear as desired.
Simplifying Card and Account Spending Limits
We’ve removed a check on creating cards with card spend limits greater than the corresponding account spend limits. Previously, customers could not create cards with spend limits that conflicted with account-level spend limits (e.g., blocking monthly card limit of $200 because account has a daily limit of $100). All card and account limits will continue to be checked during authorization.