API Basics
Learn our API's fundamentals, including authentication, request structure, error handling, and core functionalities like card issuance and transaction management.
An API key is required to get started. Generate one on the Program settings page of the Lithic Dashboard.
Requests are authenticated with an API (secret) key with the following request header:
"Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY"
curl --request GET \
--url 'https://api.lithic.com/v1/cards' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: YOUR_API_KEY'
You can use this information to diagnose failed transactions and fine-tune your exception-handling capabilities.
[query] is not a valid parameter | A parameter in the query given in the request does not match the valid queries for the endpoint |
User has not been authenticated | Invalid or missing API key | |
API key is not active | The API key used is no longer active | |
Could not find API key | The API key provided is not associated with any user | |
Please provide API key in Authorization header | The Authorization header is not in the request | |
Please provide API key in the form Authorization: [api-key] | The Authorization header is not formatted properly | |
Insufficient Privileges. Issuing API key required | Write access requires an Issuing API key. Please contact [email protected] | |
Insufficient privileges to create virtual cards. | Creating virtual cards requires an additional privilege | Please contact [email protected] |
Authorization failed (in simulation) | An authorization fails when simulating an authorization |
Rate limited, too many requests per second | User has exceeded their per second rate limit |
Lithic APIs may return HTTP 5xx errors in case of issues on Lithic's side. This always indicates a server-side error, and the specific HTTP error should not matter to the caller. The recommended action is to retry the request. If the issue persists, check our Status Page and contact [email protected].
500 | Internal Server Error | There was a processing error on the server-side. |
502 | Bad Gateway | There was a processing error on the server-side due to network configuration |
503 | Service Unavailable | There was a processing error on the server-side due to unavailability of an internal service |
504 | Gateway Timeout | There was a processing error on the server-side due to network timeout |
General Notes
- Each entity is identified by its
. - HTTP bodies must be valid JSON and the request header
must beapplication/json
. - Amounts are all integers. They are represented in the smallest unit of the associated currency (e.g.,
of 100 in USD is $1) unless specified otherwise. - Any field we don’t have data for will show up as empty.
- All dates are RFC 3339 unless specified otherwise.
- Additional fields may be added to API response payloads. API users should ensure that any integrations and use of these responses can handle new fields at any time.
Auto-pagination helpers are available in our API libraries for easy navigation through all pages of a list.
Top-level API resources support bulk fetches through "list" API methods, such as list events, list disputes, and list settlement records. These methods have a common structure, taking at least page_size
, starting_after
, and ending_before
as parameters.
Request Parameters:
: The number of records to return in the API response.
: If provided, all items returned will have been created after the referenced object.
: If provided, all items returned will have been created before the referenced object.
The value provided for starting_after
or ending_before
should be a token of the type of resource being queried. For example, when querying the /disputes
endpoint you would provide a dispute object's token
as either the starting_after
or ending_before
value. To request the next set of results, you would provide the token
of the last object in the current result as the starting_after
value or the token of the first object in the current result as the ending_before
If neither starting_after
or ending_before
are provided, then the API will return the newest objects. Objects are always returned in reverse chronological order. starting_after
and ending_before
cannot be used together.
Response Parameters:
: True
when there are more records that match the API request. To access those items, update either the starting_after
or ending_before
parameters and send another request.
Pagination Example
// Example Request to GET /disputes using Pagination
"page_size": 5,
"starting_after": "bf3022a8-4628-4417-b4db-e1ba72075a08",
// All results returned will have been created after the referenced Dispute object.
// Response
"data": [...], // 5 items returned because of the provided "page_size" in the request.
"has_more": true // More items exist that match the query.
// Change the "starting_after" to the token of the last object in data
// to receive the next page of objects.
Transitioning from offset pagination to cursor-based pagination
If you are using an SDK, all Lithic client libraries now use cursor-based pagination by default. Update your libraries to the latest version to leverage this enhancement
If you are directly querying our APIs, to transition to cursor-based pagination, you would include the header X-Lithic-Pagination: cursor
 in your API requests and use starting_after
or end_before
query parameters instead of page
. For example, assume you used the below offset pagination to get a list of transactions starting on page 2:
// Example Request to GET /transactions using offset
"page_size": 25,
"page": 2,
// Response
"data": [
"token": "764fa5a3-2371-40f0-8cbb-9a2e1230d955",
], // 25 items returned because of the provided "page_size" in the request.
"page": 2,
"total_entries": 100,
"total_pages": 4
To get the same results with offset pagination, you would traverse the list starting from the most recent entry:
// Example Request to GET /transactions using cursor-based
"page_size": 25,
// no starting_after or ending_before provided since we are starting from the most recent event
// Response
"data": [
"token": "079d1898-65f7-4d66-b0bc-172d2935a5fa",
], // first 25 items returned in reverse chronological order
"has_more": true
Then, you would take the token
of the last object in the above result (079d1898-65f7-4d66-b0bc-172d2935a5fa
) and use it in your next request as the value for starting_after
. The results from this second request will match the results you retrieved from page 2 of the offset pagination request (assuming there has been no updates to the data):
// Example Request to GET /transactions using cursor-based
"page_size": 25,
"starting_after": "079d1898-65f7-4d66-b0bc-172d2935a5fa" // continue onto "page 2" of the results
// Response
"data": [
"token": "764fa5a3-2371-40f0-8cbb-9a2e1230d955",
], // next 25 items returned
"has_more": true
Note that total_entries
and total_pages
fields will no longer be provided in the response to maintain consistent performance at scale.
Versioning and backwards compatibility
The Lithic API will not make backwards-incompatible changes (such as removing a field from the API) without reaching out to you first. We're continually making backwards-compatible changes to the API, however. A record of backwards-compatible changes can be found in our Changelog. Examples of backwards-compatible changes which we do not consider "breaking" include:
- Adding new optional request parameters to existing API methods.
- Adding new properties to existing API responses.
- Changing the order of properties in existing API responses.
- Adding new API resources or methods.
- Changing the length or format of opaque strings, such as resource IDs, error messages, and other human-readable strings.
Updated 5 months ago