ACH Payments Lifecycle

Learn about the ACH payment event lifecycle permutations you can expect to see on the Lithic platform.

This page documents the possible lifecycle permutations of an ACH payment that you can expect to see with code examples. Lithic currently supports three types of ACH payments - ACH debit originations, ACH credit originations, and ACH credit receipts - and you should expect different possible lifecycles for each. ACH debit receipts are not supported, though we will still create a payment object to provide visibility that the payment occurred on your accounts.

Typically, the type, result, and detailed_results fields within the event object are most important in understanding what has occurred to a given ACH payment.

Possible enum values for event.type:

  • ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED: Event indicates that the debit or credit origination was initiated via the API
  • ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED: Event indicates that the debit or credit origination has completed all reviews by Lithic (currently only transaction limits); refer to the event.result field to know whether any of the checks caused a decline
  • ACH_ORIGINATION_PROCESSED: Event indicates that the ACH network has acknowledged receipt of the debit or credit origination
  • ACH_ORIGINATION_SETTLED: Event indicates that Lithic has received or sent the funds from or to the financial institution to which the ACH debit or credit origination was created; timing of this event depends on if the ACH is same day or next day
  • ACH_ORIGINATION_RELEASED: Event indicates that the hold period has passed, and the funds are now settled and available for use (applies to debit only)
  • ACH_RETURN_INITIATED: Event indicates that a return was initiated by Lithic
  • ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED: In the case of an origination, event indicates that a return was received for the ACH debit or credit; in the case of a receipt, event indicates that the ACH network has acknowledged receipt of a return that Lithic generated
  • ACH_RECEIPT_PROCESSED: Event indicates that an ACH debit or credit receipt was received
  • ACH_RECEIPT_SETTLED: Event indicates that Lithic has received or sent the funds per the receipt instructions
  • ACH_RECEIPT_RETURN_SETTLED: Event indicates that ACH debit or credit receipt return has been settled

Possible enum values for event.result:

  • APPROVED: The event occurred with a successful outcome; note that in the case of a return event, a successful outcome indicates that it occurred as expected
  • DECLINED: The event occurred with an unsuccessful outcome

Possible enum values for detailed_results:

  • FUNDS_INSUFFICIENT: Indicates that in the case of an ACH credit origination, there were insufficient funds in the financial account to complete the payment
  • ACCOUNT_INVALID: Indicates that one of the accounts from or to which the debit or credit origination was initiated is invalid (currently will only be used if the external bank account is not in a transactable state)
  • PROGRAM_TRANSACTION_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Indicates that the ACH debit or credit origination initiated exceeds your program’s configured transaction-level limit
  • PROGRAM_DAILY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Indicates that the ACH debit or credit origination initiated exceeds your program’s configured daily limit
  • PROGRAM_MONTHLY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: Indicates that the ACH debit or credit origination initiated exceeds your program’s configured monthly limit

ACH Debit Originations

Possible event.type sequences:

Note that all ACH debit originations that are returned with reason codes R01 or R09 (see descriptions here) can be retried up to 2 times by calling the Retry Payment endpoint. Additional events are added to the original payment object, beginning with an ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED event, and can follow any of the above-described flows.

Sequence 1: Successful payment ("Happy Path")

A successful ACH debit origination contains five events at the end of its lifecycle: initiated, reviewed, processed, settled, and released. For successful debit originations, you will see the funds appear in the associated financial account after the settled event (with a pending status), then made available after the released event.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "SETTLED",
    "result": "APPROVED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "DEBIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T19:17:40Z",
            "token": "7eec03f2-2fac-4485-bc4b-0526d8bff3ba"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_SETTLED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_RELEASED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-21T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "5f1b4d88-c883-4852-ae4a-ad699aa46ec1"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 2: Unsuccessful payment due to an issue with the accounts involved

While an ACH debit origination can fail at the point of the API request (e.g., the financial_account_token passed in is not a recognized account), it can also fail after the payment object is created. In this case, there will be a single initiated event, with a declined result. This can occur if the external bank account to which the debit origination is being created is not in a valid, transactable state (e.g., it has a state other than ENABLED). The declined initiated event causes the overall payment object result to be declined, indicating that no future events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "DECLINED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "DEBIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 0,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "DECLINED",
            "detailed_results": ["ACCOUNT_INVALID"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 3: Unsuccessful payment due to a failed transaction limit check

An ACH debit origination that fails due to a transaction limit check will have two events: an approved initiated event, followed by a declined reviewed event. The reviewed event will contain an explanation in the detailed results array indicating which transaction limit check caused the payment to fail. The declined reviewed event causes the overall payment object result to be declined, indicating that no further events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "DECLINED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "CREDIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 0,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "DECLINED",
            "detailed_results": ["PROGRAM_MONTHLY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 4: Unsuccessful debit origination due to a return after the origination was processed

An ACH debit origination that fails because a return was generated by the receiving financial institution after the payment has been processed but before they have settled will have four events: initiated, reviewed, processed, and returned. The returned event causes the overall payment object result to be declined and status to be returned, indicating that no further events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "RETURNED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": "R02",
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "DEBIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T19:17:40Z",
            "token": "7eec03f2-2fac-4485-bc4b-0526d8bff3ba"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 5: Unsuccessful debit origination due to a return after the origination was settled

An ACH debit origination that fails because a return was generated by the receiving financial institution after the payment has settled will have five events: initiated, reviewed, processed, settled, and returned. The returned event causes the overall payment object result to be declined and status to be returned, indicating that no further events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "RETURNED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": "R02",
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "DEBIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T19:17:40Z",
            "token": "7eec03f2-2fac-4485-bc4b-0526d8bff3ba"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_SETTLED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 6: Unsuccessful debit origination due to a return after the origination was released

An ACH debit origination that fails because a return was generated by the receiving financial institution after the payment has been released will have six events: initiated, reviewed, processed, settled, released, and returned. The returned event causes the overall payment object result to be declined and status to be returned, indicating that no further events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "RETURNED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": "R02",
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "DEBIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T19:17:40Z",
            "token": "7eec03f2-2fac-4485-bc4b-0526d8bff3ba"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_SETTLED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_RELEASED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-21T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-22T10:02:05Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

ACH Credit Originations

Possible event.type sequences:

For credit originations, Lithic will move funds to a pending state immediately; once you receive a settled event, the funds will clear out of pending.

Sequence 1: Successful payment ("Happy Path")

A successful ACH credit origination contains four events at the end of its lifecycle: initiated, reviewed, processed, and settled.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "SETTLED",
    "result": "APPROVED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "CREDIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T19:17:40Z",
            "token": "7eec03f2-2fac-4485-bc4b-0526d8bff3ba"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_SETTLED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 2: Unsuccessful payment due to an issue with the accounts involved

While an ACH credit origination can fail at the point of the API request (e.g., the financial_account_token passed in is not a recognized account), it can also fail after the payment object is created. In this case, there will be a single initiated event, with a declined result. This can occur if the external bank account to which the credit origination is being created is not in a valid, transactable state (e.g., it has a state other than ENABLED). The declined initiated event causes the overall payment object result to be declined, indicating that no future events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "DECLINED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "CREDIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 0,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "DECLINED",
            "detailed_results": ["ACCOUNT_INVALID"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 3: Unsuccessful payment due to a failed transaction limit check

An ACH credit origination that fails due to a transaction limit check will have two events: an approved initiated event, followed by a declined reviewed event. The reviewed event will contain an explanation in the detailed results array indicating which transaction limit check caused the payment to fail. The declined reviewed event causes the overall payment object result to be declined, indicating that no further events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "DECLINED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "CREDIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 0,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "DECLINED",
            "detailed_results": ["PROGRAM_MONTHLY_LIMIT_EXCEEDED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 4: Unsuccessful payment due to a return after the origination was processed

An ACH credit origination that fails because a return was generated by the receiving financial institution after the payment has been processed but before they have settled will have four events: initiated, reviewed, processed, and returned. The returned event causes the overall payment object result to be declined and status to be returned, indicating that no further events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "RETURNED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": "R02",
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "CREDIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T19:17:40Z",
            "token": "7eec03f2-2fac-4485-bc4b-0526d8bff3ba"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

Sequence 5: Unsuccessful payment due to a return after the origination was settled

An ACH credit origination that fails because a return was generated by the receiving financial institution after the payment has settled will have five events: initiated, reviewed, processed, settled, and returned. The returned event causes the overall payment object result to be declined and status to be returned, indicating that no further events are expected for the payment.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "RETURNED",
    "result": "DECLINED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "CREDIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_REVIEWED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T19:17:40Z",
            "token": "7eec03f2-2fac-4485-bc4b-0526d8bff3ba"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_ORIGINATION_SETTLED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-19T08:30:40Z",
            "token": "f7d208bc-1227-445d-a7c5-03e7e9cc15f9"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

ACH Credit Receipts

Possible event.type sequences:

For credit receipts, you will see the funds appear in the associated financial account after the settled event.

Sequence 1: Successful payment ("Happy Path")

A successful payment is currently the only possible sequence for ACH credit receipts. While Lithic may receive ACH credit receipts for invalid account numbers and issue returns, those payments will not be attributed to any particular customer's program, and so you will not be notified when those incidents occur. A successful ACH credit receipt contains two events at the end of its lifecycle: processed and settled.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "SETTLED",
    "result": "APPROVED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": "07e15e42-0f74-469b-9150-0e2e748d1d7d",
    "direction": "CREDIT",
    "source": "CUSTOMER",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RECEIPT_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RECEIPT_SETTLED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"

ACH Debit Receipts

Possible event.type sequences:

Sequence 1: Unsuccessful payment for which Lithic issued an ACH return

Lithic does not currently support ACH debit receipts, so any received by the ACH network will be automatically returned. When this occurs, a payment object is created indicating as much. A returned ACH debit receipt contains four events at the end of its lifecycle: receipt processed, return initiated, receipt settled, return processed, then return settled. Please note that receipt settled may happen after return processed.

    "category": "ACH",
    "status": "SETTLED",
    "result": "APPROVED",
    "method_attributes": {
        "sec_code": "WEB",
        "return_reason_code": null,
        "retries": 0,
        "company_id": null,
        "receipt_routing_number": null
    "financial_account_token": "6127238d-cb85-50bc-86aa-264654a11be9",
    "external_bank_account_token": null,
    "direction": "DEBIT",
    "source": "LITHIC",
    "method": "ACH_SAME_DAY",
    "token": "6d5a2718-9b79-4473-aa1e-6bbf7433ea6f",
    "settled_amount": 10000,
    "pending_amount": 0,
    "currency": "USD",
    "events": [
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RECEIPT_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
            "token": "34c5b9d2-2d6a-540b-90fe-fa202b418242"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RETURN_INITIATED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RECEIPT_SETTLED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RETURN_PROCESSED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T18:17:40Z",
            "token": "5f6255f8-4016-5e66-aedf-2e3c76027e04"
            "amount": 10000,
            "type": "ACH_RETURN_SETTLED",
            "result": "APPROVED",
            "detailed_results": ["APPROVED"],
            "created": "2024-04-18T19:17:40Z",
            "token": "b7a6bacd-de6f-4c00-a900-74db7a765c49"
    "descriptor": "Test Technologies",
    "user_defined_id": "1234",
    "created": "2024-04-18T18:16:09Z",
    "updated": "2024-04-19T16:38:22Z"