Simulating KYC Failures

Simluate KYC failures in sandox.

To simulate a KYC failure scenario in sandbox, you may call the enroll endpoint with the following request body:

  "first_name": "kyc",
  "last_name": "simulator",
  "dob": "2021-01-01",
  "phone_number": "1234567890",
  "ssn": "000-00-0001",
  "street1": ..., // any valid input
  "zipcode": ..., // any valid input
  "email": ..., // any valid input
  "kyc_type": ..., // any valid input
  "tos_timestamp": ... // any valid input

In order to simulate a KYC failure with a specific reason, below are the possible values for the ssn property:

"000-00-0006": "AGE_THRESHOLD_FAILURE"

Sample Request

curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: api-key YOUR_API_KEY" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"first_name":"kyc","last_name":"simulator","dob":"2021-01-01","phone_number":"1234567890","street1":"123 Main Street","zipcode":"10128","email":"[email protected]","ssn":"000-00-0001"}'